My Week 6 Reflection 🎒

This week I went to Tech, Kapa haka, Pasifika, and I also had swimming sports.

On Wednesday we did pasifika and we practice our sasa. The sasa is really fast and it’s really confusing. I like the sasa, because it looks really cool when you watch, because everyone is in sync. We also learnt a new song.

On Thursday, we did Kapa haka, we learnt a new song called “Ko Te Waiponamu”. We also learnt the actions, it was pretty easy because we only learnt the 1st part of the song and it was pretty small so we got it done pretty quickly. We also did a song that we had already pretty much learnt, it was called “Ko tahi kapua” .

We also went to Tech on Thursday and, for cooking, we made french toast. We had to make the french toast without eggs, because some people are allergic. The french toast was really good and I really enjoyed making and eating it.

Today we had swimming sports and I raced in 3 things. I did Backstroke, then Breaststroke and then I did freestyle. For backstroke, I came 2nd, because I accidentally crashed into the rope. In breaststroke I came 1st. Last of all in Freestyle I came 2nd. I am pretty sure I got into zones for the 3 things I did, but I will need to make sure.

I hope you liked hearing about my week! 🙂


Maths Test 📘

Today we did 100 division questions in 10 minutes.

I got 83 correct in about 10 minutes. Next time I want to  get the test in at least 6-7 minutes.

I really need to work on my speed. To do this I will practice my division skills and get it in less time than I did today.

My Week 5 Reflection 🏫

This was my 5th week in Tangaroa. On Thursday we had tech and I did cooking. We made kebabs on rice. Our cooking teacher taught our group to mix sauces, and we also had to cut the sausages we put on the kebab stick.

We also had Kapa haka, in Kapa haka we are learning some new songs. Kapa haka is mainly every week on Thursdays.

This week was the usual except we had assembly. This week Rongo Ma Tane ran assembly. Because I’m a year 7, I was able to sit on the chairs at the back of the hall, this was my first time. I hope you liked hearing about my week!

My Haiku 📖

Today I did a Haiku poem. A Haiku poem is where the first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third has 5. This continues for every line. I did mine about our Spencer park camp we went on last week.

I hope you like it! 😄

Maths Reflection 📊

Today in maths we did a Time stable test, to see if we knew our multiplaction facts.

We had to answer 100 questions in 10 minutes. I got 96 out of 100 in 10 minutes. My goal is to work on speed, so I can finish quicker. Next time I want to complete the test in less than 6 minutes, and maybe get 100%.

To achieve this I am going to work on my 9 and 8 tables, because those are the ones that I found hardest, while doing the test. I also will practice getting the test done faster.

Carnage 📚

In our groups, we are reading books for read aloud. The name of the book my groups reading is called Carnage. It is about 6 friends who won something, they are called the DARE winners. Their names are JJ, Yasmine, Zander, Isabel, Andy, Dylan and Mila. We are still getting into the book so not much has happened but, Yasmine was in a train crash, and her phone signal is gone, Zander gets really worried so he goes to where the train derailed.

Heres The book ⬇


Tangaroa Week 3 Reflection

This week in Tangaroa was fun because I had my first day at Tech.

Every Thursday, the year 7’s and 8’s go to technology. If you don’t know, tech is where you learn how to do things, such as how to cook,  you learn stuff about robotics, woodwork works, how to make things with hard materials, and a lot more. I got put into the food group. We made fruit salad. We practised cutting the fruit and putting it into our cup.

A challenge I faced was, finishing out fruit salads on time, we were a bit rushed and I thought I wouldn’t finish.  In the end I was able to finish, it was so good.

I hope you liked hearing about my week and day at tech.


Today for Mahi – a – tahi, I did Duolingo for a point. If you are wanting to learn other languages, you should do Duolingo, its really easy and fun to do. I did Spanish and got 100 percent.